Sebelum membuat file chunk,Compile semua file dengan cara pilih (Explorer -> Compile All) dengan menggunakan Dexterity. dan jika menggunakan source code control, maka pilih Explorer -> Source Code -> Check In untuk memastikan semua data. atau bisa pilih Explorer -> Source Code -> Update Index File untuk memastikannya, jangan merubah value ketika sedang builds. tutup Dexterity jika sudah selesai.cara membuat file chunk :
1. Open the source dictionary using the Development Dictionary (File -> Open Source Dictionary).
2. From the Toolbar, select Utilities -> Extract to extract all resources with resource IDs greater than 22,000 (in other words, all third-party resources) into an Extracted Dictionary.
3. If you do not have any alternate forms and/or reports, skip to step 7. (Alternate forms and reports are original Microsoft Dynamics GP forms and reports that have been modified in your customization. Because their resource IDs are less than 22,000, they are not extracted with step 2. Therefore, moving alternate forms and reports to your Chunk file requires additional steps.
4. Open the destination dictionary using the Extracted Dictionary you created in step 2 (File -> Open Destination Dictionary).
5. From the Toolbar, use Transfer -> Dictionary Module to transfer any alternate forms and/or reports into the Extracted Dictionary.
6. Close the destination dictionary (File -> Close Destination Dictionary).
7. Close the source dictionary (File -> Close Source Dictionary).
8. Open the editable dictionary by using the Extracted Dictionary created in step 2 (File -> Open Editable Dictionary).
9. If you do not have any alternate forms and/or reports, skip to step 11.
10. From the Toolbar, go to Resources -> Series Resources. Check both the All Resource Types and All Series check boxes, and click Update. This will update the internal series resources lists to include the alternate forms and/or reports.
11. From the Toolbar, select Utilities -> Product Information. Enter the Product Name, Product ID (assigned to you by Microsoft Sales Operations in Fargo, North Dakota, United States), the names of the custom forms and reports dictionaries, and the compatibility information. Then click OK. Make sure the Set file is DYNAMICS.SET and the Dictionary is set to 0. Note: To request a unique Product ID, either e-mail or create a service request from PartnerSource -> Pricing & Ordering -> New Service Request (this way you get an assigned incident number). Note that PartnerSource is a subscription service. In either case, you need to include your Authorized Phone Number or Account Number as well as the name and short description of your product.
12. Select Utilities -> Auto Chunk. Then use the Browse button to select the filename of the Chunk Dictionary; use an8.3 format filename with the extension .cnk. Next select a module (I usually use 51, which was labeled as Dexterity in older versions), and enter your major, minor, and build numbers. I normally match my major and minor build numbers to the Microsoft Dynamics GP version I am working with, and I use the build number field for my own build number. You can use the Runtime_GetModuleInfo() command to retrieve this version information for an About window. Finally, select Total Compression to remove the source code from the final Chunk, and press OK.
13. Close the editable dictionary (File -> Close Editable Dictionary).
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